
Adresse:Cathédrale Notre Dame de Strasbourg (Strasbourg)/en

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2 Place de la Cathédrale

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Date de construction 1015-1180
Structure Lieu de culte (église, temple, synagogue, mosquée)
Courant architectural ottonien

Date de construction 1180-1210
Courant architectural Roman

Date de construction 1225-1439
Architecte Erwin de Steinbach
Johannes Gerlach
Michel de Fribourg
Ulrich d'Ensingen
Jean Hultz
Courant architectural gothique

Date de construction 1744-1782
Courant architectural néogothique

Date de construction et réparation 1873-1879
Architecte Gustave Klotz
Courant architectural néogothique

Date de restauration 1906-1913
Architecte Johann Knauth
Robert Danis

Date de restauration 2000-2004
Courant architectural néogothique
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Notre-Dame Cathedral

Notre-Dame Cathedral was built between 1180 and 1439 and is a fascinating blend of different styles of medieval architecture. Building started with the late Romanesque choir and transept, superseded by French and German Gothic from the 13th century onwards. The western front, with its bold design and stone lacework, is an outstanding example of the skills of the Cathedral’s masons. The tower, which stretches up 142 metres, showcases the excellence of medieval engineering, and remained the highest building in Europe until the 19th century. The cathedral also houses a remarkable astronomical clock, built between 1571 and 15741

plan masse avec indications chronologiques (d’après Roger LEHNI)


  1. Totem patrimoniaux (Strasbourg), 2020, traduction Ville de Strasbourg