
Adresse:Opéra National du Rhin (Strasbourg)/en

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19 place Broglie

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Date de construction 1804 à 1821
Architecte Nicolas Jean Villot
Sculpteur Landolin Ohmacht
Ingénieur Casimir Robin
Structure Théâtre
Courant architectural néoclassique

Date de démolition 1870

Date de reconstruction 1872
Architecte Jean Geoffroy Conrath

Date d'extension 1888
Architecte Johann Karl Ott

Date de rénovation 10/2011

Classement Monument Historique 20/6/1921
Il n'y a pas encore d'actualités sur cette adresse

The Opera

Originally the municipal theatre, the neoclassical opera house was built in 1821 in the northern part of place Broglie, under the orders of architect Jean Villot. The façade has a portico supported by six columns, surmounted by Muses, mythological characters associated with the arts, the work of Landolin Ohmacht. The Italian-style theatre is richly decorated with theatrical and musical themes. The opera is home to the Opéra national du Rhin, which has become an essential part of the national musical scene, performing both classical opera and contemporary creations1.  


  1. Totem patrimoniaux (Strasbourg), 2020, traduction Ville de Strasbourg