
Adresse:Collège épiscopal Saint-Étienne (Strasbourg)/en

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2 rue de la Pierre Large

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Date de construction 718
Structure Couvent / Monastère / Abbaye

Date de construction 1861
Architecte Eugène Petiti
Structure Ecole
Il n'y a pas encore d'actualités sur cette adresse

The abbaye Saint-Etienne (St. Stephen’s Abbey)

St. Stephen’s Abbey was founded in 718 by the Duke of Alsace Adalbert, brother of St. Odile, and his daughter Attale, who became the first abbess. The abbey church was built in the early 13th century, in late Romanesque style. Over the centuries, the abbey found its religious and educational vocation and became an Episcopal College in 1883. The chapel nave and western façade were destroyed by bombing in 19441.  

  1. Totem patrimoniaux (Strasbourg), 2020, traduction Ville de Strasbourg