
Adresse:Ponts couverts (Strasbourg)/en

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Ponts couverts

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Date de construction 1230 à 1250
Structure pont

Date de transformation 1784

Date de démolition environ 1864

Date de construction environ 1864 à 1865
Structure pont

Date de rénovation 2010 à 2012
Architecte Groupement 2BDM Architectes

Date de rénovation environ 7/11/2016

Classement Monument Historique 6/7/1928
Il n'y a pas encore d'actualités sur cette adresse

The Ponts Couverts (covered bridges)

The covered bridges comprised the city’s western defences from the 13th to 17th centuries and formed part of the Episcopal wall. Three of the brick-built towers have survived – the Heinrichsturm, the Hans von Altheimturm and the tour des Français (French tower). The spur-shaped parts in front of the bridges were built by Daniel Specklin in the 16th century and fitted with loopholes for guns to fire through. The bridges’ galleries were protected by a tiling roof, whence the name, and closed off by a wooden wall containing arrow slits. The galleries were replaced in 1784 by wooden footbridges and in 1865 by the sandstone bridges that can be seen today. From 1880 to 1950, the area in front of the second tower was taken up by the Mathis Baths, which were divided into two pools, separated by covered pontoons surrounded by a fence and fitted with changing rooms1


  1. Totem patrimoniaux (Strasbourg), 2020, traduction de la Ville de Strasbourg

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