
Adresse:Palais Universitaire (Strasbourg)/en

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9 place de l' Université

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Date de construction 1879 à 1884
Architecte Otto Warth
Structure Bâtiments publics
Courant architectural Néo-Renaissance italienne

Date de transformation environ 1940
Structure Bâtiments publics

Date de restauration 2002
Architecte Nunc Architectes

Date de restauration 2010

Date de rénovation 2016
Agence d'architecture NKS Architecture 2.0

Inscription à l'Inventaire Supplémentaire des Monuments Historiques 21/5/1990
Classement Monument Historique 21/5/1990
Il n'y a pas encore d'actualités sur cette adresse

The Palais universitaire

The Palais universitaire, or University building, was the central part of the Imperial University built when the city was under German rule. Designed by German architect Hermann Eggert, the various faculties were built around the garden, dominated by the Palais universitaire, which was built in 1884 by Otto Warth. It contained a huge central aula, around which were spread the lecture rooms. The building’s interior style and decoration drew their inspiration from the Italian Renaissance and set out to pay homage to German knowledge and prestige1


  1. Totem patrimoniaux (Strasbourg), 2020, traduction de la Ville de Strasbourg

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