
Adresse:Eglise Saint Pierre le jeune (protestant) (Strasbourg)/en

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5 Place Saint Pierre le Jeune

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Date de construction environ 700
Structure Lieu de culte (église, temple, synagogue, mosquée)

Date de construction 1031 à 1320
Courant architectural roman

Date de construction 1491
Architecte Hans Hammer
Courant architectural gothique

Date de construction environ 1780
Architecte Pierre Michel d'Ixnard

Date de transformation 1897 à 1901
Architecte Carl Schäfer

Date de construction environ 1900
Verrier d'art Frères Ott

Date de transformation 1960

Classement Monument Historique 1862
Il n'y a pas encore d'actualités sur cette adresse

St. Peter the Younger Protestant Church

This church offers a unique example of mediaeval architecture. The choir was completed in 1290, after the Romanesque western bell tower, the oldest part of the church, while the nave was built in 1320. The church contains a 14th-century Gothic rood-screen, upon which was built a Silbermann organ (1780). The cloister is primarily Romanesque and contains some 80 tombstones, mainly from the 14th and 16th centuries. The church became Protestant in 1524 after Wolfgang Capito preached the Reformation there. It was restored between 1897 and 1901 by German architect Carl Schäfer, one of whose additions was the neo-Gothic portico. During the period 1682 to 1893, the choir was given over to Catholic worship1.  


  1. Totem patrimoniaux (Strasbourg), 2020, traduction Ville de Strasbourg