
Adresse:Eglise Saint-Maurice (catholique) (Strasbourg)/en

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avenue de la Forêt Noire (Strasbourg)

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Date de construction 1895 à 1899
Architecte Ludwig Becker
Structure Lieu de culte (église, temple, synagogue, mosquée)
Courant architectural Néogothique
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St. Maurice's Church

Located at the far eastern side of Neustadt, St. Maurice's Church was built between 1895 and 1898 by Ludwig Becker (1855-1940). It was originally the church of the city’s Catholic garrison. The architecture is inspired by the Rayonnant Gothic style from the 13th century. Its key features are a large three-bay nave that stretches 14 metres and a bell tower 65 metres tall1.  


  1. Totem patrimoniaux (Strasbourg), 2020, traduction fournie par la Ville de Strasbourg

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