
Adresse:Ancienne douane (Strasbourg)/en

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6 rue de la Douane

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Date de construction 1358
Structure Bâtiment industriel / Usine
Courant architectural gothique

Date d'extension 1389
Courant architectural gothique

Date de démolition 11/8/1944

Date de reconstruction 1962 à 1965
Architecte Robert Will
Structure Bâtiments publics

Date de rénovation 8/2/2008

Date de rénovation 4/4/2013

Classement Monument Historique 8/7/1948
Il n'y a pas encore d'actualités sur cette adresse

The Old Customs House

From mediaeval times to the 19th century, Strasbourg’s importance as an inland port grew steadily, with boats and goods coming in through the south of the city. The customs building, or Kaufhaus, built in 1358, was the focal point of river trade and its huge hall, with its crenellated gables, contained a warehouse with a special section for reselling products on which tax had been paid. Up to 1865, a pair of derricks, each topped by a monumental deer head and antlers, were used for loading and unloading goods from the boats. A fish market was allowed into the building as from 1897.The Ancienne Douane was destroyed by American bombing on 11 August 1944 but rebuilt in 1965 by municipal architect Robert Will1.  

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  1. Totem patrimoniaux (Strasbourg), 2020, traduction Ville de Strasbourg