
Adresse:Église Saint Thomas (Strasbourg)/en

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2 rue Martin Luther

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Date de construction XIIIe à XVIe siècle
Structure Lieu de culte (église, temple, synagogue, mosquée)
Courant architectural roman

Date d'extension 1500
Courant architectural gothique flamboyant

Date de construction 1756 à 1777
Sculpteur Jean-Baptiste Pigalle
Structure sculpture
Courant architectural baroque

Date de construction 1985
Structure Lieu de culte (église, temple, synagogue, mosquée)
Courant architectural contemporain

Date de ravalement 2009

Date de rénovation 2013 à 2016
Architecte Groupement 2BDM Architectes

Classement Monument Historique 1862
Il n'y a pas encore d'actualités sur cette adresse

St.Thomas' Church

St. Thomas's Church was built between the 13th and 16th centuries. Made of pink sandstone, it is a fine example of a five-nave hall-church, with a central nave as wide as it is long. The church is often referred to as the "Lutheran cathedral". The first Protestant service was celebrated there in 1524, while famed reformer and humanist Martin Bucer became its pastor in 1531. The church houses a number of monuments to the dead, including the mausoleum of Marshal de Saxe (1696-1750), designed by Jean-Baptiste Pigalle, and also a Silbermann organ, which Mozart played when he visited Strasbourg in October 17781

  1. Totem patrimoniaux (Strasbourg), 2020, traduction Ville de Strasbourg
  2. Base Palissy [archive], consulté le 23/09/2019