
Adresse:Maison Kammerzell (Strasbourg)/en

From Archi-Wiki

16 Place de la Cathédrale

Image principale

Chargement de la carte...

Date de construction 1467
Structure Immeuble
Courant architectural gothique

Date de construction 1589
Courant architectural renaissance

Date de rénovation 1881

Date de rénovation 1904
Peintre Léo Schnug

Inscription à l'Inventaire Supplémentaire des Monuments Historiques 13/06/1929
Il n'y a pas encore d'actualités sur cette adresse

The Kammerzell house

The Kammerzell house was built in 1467 and was used by merchants of the city. In 1589, it was taken over by cheese merchant Martin Braun, who converted it to the Renaissance style. The house boasts a profusion of carvings, with both secular and religious themes, including the five senses, theological virtues and the signs of the zodiac. The building also features an interesting old lifting arm. In 1815, it was bought by a Wurtzburg grocery merchant, Philipp Franz Kammerzell, but passed under the ownership of the Foundation of the Œuvre Notre-Dame in 1879. After extensive refurbishing, it became a restaurant celebrated also for the lavish frescoes painted by artist Léo Schnug1


  1. Totem patrimoniaux (Strasbourg), 2020, traduction de la Ville de Strasbourg