
Adresse:Hôtel des Joham de Mundolsheim - 15 rue des Juifs (Strasbourg)/en

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15 rue des Juifs

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Date de construction 1290
Structure Immeuble

Date de rénovation environ 1450
Structure Hôtel particulier
Courant architectural Gothique

Date de transformation 1612
Courant architectural Renaissance

Date de transformation environ 1710

Date de rénovation 1992
Agence d'architecture Denu & Paradon
Structure Immeuble

Date de rénovation 2019 à 2020
Agence d'architecture Michel Spitz Architectes
Structure Bureaux

Inscription à l'Inventaire Supplémentaire des Monuments Historiques 15/11/1985
Classement Monument Historique 15/11/1985
Il n'y a pas encore d'actualités sur cette adresse

The Joham de Mundolsheim mansion

Dating from 1290, this vast building is one of the oldest houses in Strasbourg. Occupied until the mid-14th century by Jewish families, it was seized by the magistrate following the Judenbrand (Jew-burning) on 14 February 1349. It was sold to cloth merchant Jean Goeblin in 1392. The Boecklin de Boecklinsau family occupied the residence next. In 1480, they added the remarkable paintings that decorate the interior. Conrad Joham de Mundolsheim, a wealthy banker and politician, had the building renovated in 1515. This urban palace stayed in the family until the early 17th century. Sébastien Mueg de Boofzheim purchased the property in 1610. He split the building into two sections, subdivided the large rooms and covered over the decoration1.


  1. Totem patrimoniaux (Strasbourg), 2020, traduction fournie par la Ville de Strasbourg